Living Legends 3.0
Legends in the Making
Living Legends began in 2020 as a collaboration with Activate Inter-Faith Council (IFC), The Jackson Center,
Habitat for Humanity, and
Hannah Ruth Foundation.
It provides an opportunity for youth to learn about their local history.
Kennedy Lytle
Scholar at Culbreth Middle School
Living Legend – Rodney Taylor, Sr.
Kimora Gamble
Scholar at Phillips Middle School
Avid Reader
Track & Field
Living Legend – Glynn Hackney
Josiah Coulter
Scholar at Phillips Middle School
Avid Reader
Living Legend - Dazzie Lane
Vianna Fornville
Scholar at McDougle Middle School
Social Justice Activist
Living Legends - Stanley Foushee & Faye Garrett
Zarielle Gaskin
Scholar at Smith Middle School
Family Time
Living Legend - John Manley, Jr.
Jakayla Fearrington
Scholar at Smith Middle School
Artist & Painter
African American History
Living Legend - Stephney Edwards